Welcome to f-lambda
Innovative solutions for a healthier, happier society.
Digital Wellness Tools
Transform your health journey with our tools.
Self awareness and Community Engagement
Join us in promoting health and wellness.
Health Awareness
Wellness Resources
Empowering Health and Wellness Through Innovation
Welcome to f-lambda, where we drive a culture of health and wellness by harnessing innovative digital solutions to empower individuals and communities alike in their wellness journey.

Digital Enablement
Wellness Programs
Empower early detection
Leverage the power of technology to drive a culture of wellness while extending its reach
Innovative products to empower society towards preventive health management
Tailored programs designed to promote healthier lifestyles and well-being for all.
Our Products
Following are the current products available under the f-lambda suite
f-lambda Vita
A holistic menopause wellness app offering useful information and services
f-lambda Bell
A no-code platform for wellness service providers to enable their digital presence via an app
A solution which enables analysis of ovarian USG images to understand if there are any potential anomalies
f-lambda FOLD
This is a much needed innovative project by ASPIC. Ovary being a hidden intraabdominal organ, early detection of malignant change is almost impossible. AI is expected to show the path by analysing the images in its earliest stages to improve prognosis of those cases.
Dr. Subhash Chandra Biswas
f-lambda is poised to provide holistic wellness and generate awareness towards proactive health monitoring for peri and post menopausal women. The product has been developed under the BIG Scheme of BIRAC under the incubation of KIIT-TBI and has visible potential to make a difference to the lives of women in the target age group.
Dr Bhaskar Das, Ph.D.
Get in Touch
We are here to support your health and wellness journey.
Driving health through innovative digital solutions.
embrace wellness
+91 7595093931
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